Donate to PACO
There Are Many Ways You Can Help
Goal: $100,000
The Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra (PACO) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and is supported primarily by membership dues, grants, and donations. PACO’s tax ID number is 94-1656715. Your support provides much-needed revenue for our programs and helps us continue the quality traditions that are the hallmark of the Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra. Any amount is appreciated.
Individual Donations
Current family members are suggested to donate $800 per student for Super Strings and Prep orchestras and $1,000 per student for students in Debut, Sinfonia and the Senior Orchestra. Current PACO families, alumni and friends of PACO are encouraged to donate to our annual campaign. Donations are tax-deductible to extent allowed by law. Donations may be made securely online via VBO Tickets filling out the donation form below, or via check which may be mailed payable to PACO to: Palo Alto Chamber Orchestra 4000 Middlefield Road #M1 Palo Alto, CA 94303
Corporate Matching Gifts
It may be possible to double the impact of your gift to PACO! Many corporations will match gifts to charitable institutions. For information about your employer’s gift matching program, contact your human resources office at your workplace.